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Selected Publications

  • Yaniv SP, Meltzer H, Alyagor I, Schuldiner O (2020) Developmental axon regrowth and primary neurons sprouting utilize distinct actin elongation factors. J Cell Biol 219(5): e201903181

  • Sudarsanam S, Yaniv SP, Meltzer H, Alyagor I, Schuldiner O (2020) Cofilin regulates axon growth and branching of Drosophila γ neurons by facilitating microtubule protrusion. J Cell Sci jcs232595 

  • Yaniv, SP and Schuldiner O (2018) Pebbled makes ripples: A transcription factor primes glutamatergic but not cholinergic neurons for degeneration (commentary). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115(6): 1140-2

  • Rabinovich D*, Yaniv SP*, Alyagor I, Schuldiner, O (2016) Nitric Oxide as a Switching Mechanism between Axon Degeneration and Regrowth during Developmental Remodeling. Cell 164(1-2):170-82 * equal contribution

  • Yaniv SP and Schuldiner O (2016) A fly’s view of neuronal remodeling (review). Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol 5(5):618-35

  • Bornstein B, Zehavi EE, Gelley S, Zoosman M, Yaniv SP, Fuchs O, Perlson E, Schuldiner O (2015) Developmental axon pruning requires destabilization of cell adhesion by JNK signaling. Neuron 88(5):926-940

  • Yaniv SP, Issman-Zecharya N, Oren-Suissa M, Podbilewicz B, Schuldiner O. (2012) Axon re-growth during development and regeneration following injury share molecular mechanisms. Curr Biol 22(19):1774-82



EU Grant Liason, Research Grant Proposal unit, Weizmann Institute of Science


Staff Scientist, Dept of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science


Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science


Ph.D. (Medical Sciences), B. Rapapport School of Medicine, Technion


M.Sc. (Medical Sciences), Hadassah Medical School, Hebrew University


B.Sc. (Life Sciences), Hebrew University

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